all pictures of the event at the following link
Poetry Competition
Gedigte in McGregor kompetisie
Open Category
“Poetry against Poverty”
We decided to award two First Places. These went to Elske Maxwell, for her beautiful Victoria -Wes , and Janine Milne for her powerful poem, Here the grass itself staggers . Both were outstanding pieces of work and we were delighted that both winners could be at the Prize Giving ceremony. It was a pleasure to meet you both, and we hope that you continue to write.
Special thanks to Leila Witkin for her continued support of this very important programme. Big thanks to Julian May and The Mellon Foundation for also contributing to this year’s programme.
see the winning poems below :
Die Karoo is my hartland. Ek is gebôre in Graaff-Reinet en as ek terugkeer vind ek my ware self. Ek het hierdie gedig geskryf na‘n slapelose nag waar ek rongedwaal het in Victoria-Wes se strate.
Hier is die stilte groter as
Hier blaf ’n hond
en die eggo word weerkaats
in die dooie vensters van
verlate Karoo-huisies
Hier word elke klank vergroot
deur die oorheersende stilte
Ver wit bokke blêr teen die kliphange
Die skril stemme van kleurlingkinders
hang vir ewig in die dun lug
n’ Brandsiek hond sluip hongerig
deur die donker nag strate
En hier waar alles na grond ruik
probeer ek my aarde vind
en elke klip bevat ‘n vers.
Elske Maxwell
Here the grass itself staggers.
Who tore these holes in the sky, where the rain
rides the spine of the South Easter, where the cold crawls
through the stars like the fingers of saints? Who first mouthed out these
low vowels of hunger, the rhyme of our ribs? Can god hear
our prayers in the plosives of newspapers dragging wings,
the punctuation of tin and packets stuttering against stones
like Lazarus? Our best sung songs are sunk with kerosene
scraping the match tip of our unheard hearts-here-
in this scrap heap Sinai, the grass itself staggers in the sand
like Jesus in the desert. Here in the horns of goats and empty bowls-
saints are rising up in tattered cloth with their halos of broken glass
snagging the sun like fever , calling, crying:
come into this poem all you sparrow hearts
climb inside the open arms of this poem,
each of you has a name.
It has been written.
Janine Milne
other finalists poems below :
the interface
the interface
is vibracrete
it is the slow closing
of the gate
summer heat rising
on the dashboard
the moment of red
flicking to green
fragile as eggshell
flash of dirty cardboard
no money no work
my jaw a steel trap
eyes uncontacted
unfocused . . .
the interface
the face between
Sue Woodward
bakhand hang die silwer sekel
stukkend teen die swart
oor ‘n koue, donker straat in ‘n donkerder stad.
bewende kombersbondels
veg soos pionne in ‘n ry
teen die bitter wind
wat inglip waar hy plek kry,
nes hulle – dis al hoe mens oorleef;
daar is nie vrae of bang nie.
dis of dié straat of ‘n ander een
met dieselfde stukkende kombers,
dieselfde oordeelskyke
wat soos swaelreën
hulle laaste trots verbrand
totdat siellose lyke
verslons straatop en -af dwaal
met die stigma wat om hulle maal
terwyl hulle elkeen êrens op ‘n tyd
ook gedroom het, geleef het.
skroeiend gloei die somber son
se strale oor die teer en beton
en die kombersbondels hou op bewe
vir nog ‘n dag se bestaan sonder lewe.
Molly Bester
High School Category
“Poetry against Poverty”
The winner in the school category was Thato Tshukudu and two of his poems made the final shortlist of four. Ultimately De Wet Street was chosen. What was particularly exhilarating for us is that Thato journeyed all the way to McGregor from Klerksdorp to be with us. He missed the Prize Giving, but was able to meet with organisers shortly afterwards. An outstanding young man, Thato is a credit to his parents and we look forward to hearing more from this talented young man. We decided this year to also award a Runner’s Up prize, and this went to local boy Edward Jeneke from Robertson, who submitted Poesie, Jou Manna. Well done Edward!
see the winning poems below :
De Wet Street
It is 5 AM in De Wet Street
And the dying plants colour the garden with a sombre tint of black,
The trees silhouette the sky like clouds of incense,
Grass blades stand tall and proud carrying a pall of stale blood,
Rusted fences not high enough to stop thieves from breaking in but thin enough to filter the cold hymns sung in by the crow’s laments,
Street lights flicker like a dying star unable to emit anymore rays,
The dissipating tar road proudly reveals its cracks
And poverty sticks his nose out into the night
Eagerly waiting for his prey
It is 6 AM in De Wet Street,
And as I stare out into the light skies
Arid lips
Bloodshot eyes
Ribs prodding through my flesh and
My thin fingers firmly grasping onto my pen like a knife, I grimly smile.
“I survived another night”
Thato Tshukudu
Poёsie, jou manna
Verlang jy terug
na die goeie ou dae
toe poёsie
soos manna vir jou was,
en jy so vrolik kon wees?
Dit was jou ding,
dit was die manna
waarmee jy jou siel kon voed,
jy sou dit vir niks verruil!
Die ritme va poёsie
het jou hart
so laat bokspring.
Jy kon van ellende vergeet,
want jou Here
het manna vir jou siel
in die woestyn voorsien.
Maar is dit steeds jou ding?
Is dit steeds die manna
wat jou hart so vrolik maak?
Lees jy nog vir
Antjie Krog, Boerneef en D.J.Opperman?
Jy’t mos almal by die naam geken.
Is poёsie steeds jou ding,
wat soveel vreugde vir jou bring?
Is dit steeds jou manna?
Of het jy vergeet,
jou Here sal voorsien?
Edward Jeneke
other finalists poems below :
Like water droplets plopping down from the rusted kitchen’s faucet to quench the thirst of the sink flange’s arid throat
the ink in this pen silences the grumbling roars of my empty stomach during hollow nights
This ink that scribbles stanzas of prayers
asking heaven to keep my malnourished brother alive till the next dawn
and my mother’s dying hope for employment still alive,
keeps my faith alive
This ink that knits words together like fabric
ragged fabric draping my cold flesh against the harsh winter winds sneaking in through the cracks of my broken bedroom window
translates poverty into mockery like
Poetry is not just words but medicine
That transforms chronic wounds and makes them mere acute wounds.
This ink that knows not of slavery but redemption
Frees me from this life of rusted faucets and polluted water
Frees me from this life of hunger and taunting whispers from the vicious wind
This poetry is my fictitious wealth against
my actual poverty.
Thato Tshukudu
Hollow eyes
Hungry maws
Hands out in desperation
Help me, help me it whispers
No longer human .
Hearts fulled with metal
The only appreciation shown
Coin in mud caked hand,
Metal on a raw heart
Want and despair
Full of needles and threats.
Where, in all this sadness
Is there joy
Humanity, whats happened.
We preach for peace yet hide from sin
And All the love we give
Is Cold and Silver.
Alex Blatcher
Poetry Competition Guidelines
Open Category
“Poetry against Poverty”
- Have you ever thought of writing poetry?
- Have you written an unpublished poem?
- Would you like to see your poetry published?
- Are you over the age of 19?
Then you are eligible to enter our Open Category and stand a chance of winning R 5 000.00 CASH. The finalists may have the opportunity to have their poetry published in our annual “Poetry in McGregor” Anthology and their winning entries will be read during our “Poetry in McGregor” weekend which will take place from the 25 to 27 August 2017. T’s and C’s apply.
Competition Guidelines : Entries restricted to unpublished poems from poets who have not had any poems published as yet (school magazines and journals excluded) *The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it *Poems must have a title and fit in with the “Poetry against Poverty” theme * Length submitted must be between 12 and 40 lines * Poems may be in English or Afrikaans * Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers * Maximum of two poems per poet * Entries must be submitted separately * The judges’ decision is final * No correspondence will be entered into *Entries must be typed and emailed to: /posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor. Closing date: 10 August 2017. Finalists will be notified by 15 August 2017. Enquiries: Dave Magner 023 625 1402.
The name of the (one and only) winner will be announced at the prize-giving function which will take place at 09:00 on Saturday 26th August in Caritas at Temenos Retreat, Long Street entrance, McGregor, 6708.
Oop kategorie:
Tema: “Poësie as Hartskos”
- Het jy al ooit daaraan gedink om `n gedig te skryf?
- Sal jy graag jou gedigte will laat publiseer?
- Is jy 19 jaar of ouer?
As jou antwoord JA is op hierdie vrae kwalifiseer jy om in te skryf vir die “Oop kategorie” van vanjaar se gedigtekompetisie en kan jy wegstap met die R5000.00 kontant prysgeld. Die finaliste se gedigte sal oorweeg word vir publikasie in die jaarlikse “Poetry in McGregor” digbundel. Die wen-inskrywings sal ook tydens die Gedigte in McGregor naweek wat plaasvind vanaf 25 – 27 Augustus 2017, voorgelees word. Terme en voorwaardes geld.
Kompetisieriglyne: Inskrywings word beperk tot ongepubliseerde gedigte van digters wat nog geen gedigte gepubliseer het nie (met die uitsluiting van skoolblaaie en joernale) * Die gedig moet die oorspronklike werk van die inskrywer wees wat dit voorlê * Die gedig moet `n titel hê en inpas by die tema “Poësie as hartskos.” * Dit moet tussen 12 en 40 reëls lank wees * Gedigte mag in Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word * Volle naam, asook geboortedatum en kontakbesonderhede moet verskaf word * Daar mag slegs een of twee gedigte per digter ingeskryf word en dit moet ons in aparte eposse bereik *Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en geen verdere korrespondensie sal daarna plaasvind nie * Die gedigte moet getik wees en per epos gestuur word na / gepos na Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708 / gefaks na 086 756 0864 of persoonlik afgelewer word by die Temenoskantoor op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Breestraat, McGregor.
High School Category
“Poetry against Poverty”
- Have you ever thought of writing poetry?
- Have you written an unpublished poem?
- Would you like to see your poetry published?
- Are you at High School at present?
Then you are eligible to enter our High School Category and stand a chance of winning an I-Pad. The finalists may have the opportunity to have their poetry published in our annual “Poetry in McGregor” Anthology and their winning entries will be read during our “Poetry in McGregor” weekend which will take place from the 25 to 27 August 2017. Please see for details. T’s and C’s apply.
Competition Guidelines : Entries restricted to unpublished poems from poets who have not had any poems published as yet (school magazines and journals excluded) *The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it *Poems must have a title and fit in with the “Poetry against Poverty” theme *Length submitted must be between 12 and 40 lines * Poems may be in English or Afrikaans * Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers * Maximum of two poems per poet * Entries must be submitted separately * The judges’ decision is final * No correspondence will be entered into *Entries must be typed and emailed to: /posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor. Closing date: 10 August 2017. Finalists will be notified by 15 August 2017. Enquiries: Dave Magner 023 625 1402.
The name of the (one and only) winner will be announced at the prize-giving function which will take place at 09:00 on Saturday 26th August in Caritas at Temenos Retreat, Long Street entrance, McGregor, 6708.
Hoërskool Kategorie:
Tema: Poësie as Hartskos.
- Het jy al ooit daaraan gedink om `n gedig te skryf?
- Sal jy graag jou gedigte will laat publiseer?
- Is jy tussen 13 en 19 jaar oud?
As jou antwoord JA is op hierdie vrae kwalifiseer jy om in te skryf vir die “Hoërskool kategorie” van vanjaar se gedigtekompetisie. Jou inskrywing moet inpas by die tema “Poësie as hartskos.” Die wenner gaan wegstap met `n splinternuwe iPad. Die finaliste se gedigte sal oorweeg word vir publikasies in die jaarlikse “Poetry in McGregor” digbundel. Die wen-inskrywings sal ook tydens die Gedigte in McGregor naweek voorgelees word. Die gedig moet `n titel hê en tussen 12 en 40 reëls lank wees. Gedigte mag in Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Stuur daarbysaam jou volle naam, asook geboortedatum en kontakbesonderhede. Daar mag slegs een of twee gedigte per digter ingeskryf word en dit moet ons in aparte eposse bereik. Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en geen verdere korrespondensie sal daarna plaasvind nie. Die gedigte moet per epos gestuur word na of getik op `n bladsy gepos na Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708. Daar is ook n opsie om getikte weergawe te faks na 086 756 0864 of om dit persoonlik by die Temenoskantoor op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Bree Straat, McGregor af te lewer.