2018 Poetry Competition

It gives us great pleasure to publish the names and poems of the winners of our 2018 The Sound of Water Poetry Competition:

Adult category:

Winner: Adriaan Havenga (Wat het met Ingrid Jonker gebeur)

Runner-up: Sue Woodward (Drop in the ocean) Highly commended: Catherina Koen (Stilte)

High School Category:

Winner: Kyle Morero (Like a glass of water)

Runner-up: Joshua Schiefner (Blood River) Highly commended: Jamie Davids (Water sound and unsound) Highly commended: Liyema Sigidi (Water works)

Adult category:


Wat het met Ingrid Jonker gebeur?

Weerlig lig weer lig op die water

Onder die donder waar die donker lê

Diepgesonke die koggel

Druppeltjie klein is die word

Onbeholpe die roggel

Druppeltjie niks is die dood

Sinkermeisie lagbreek

Sinkermeisie kon

Onwrikbaar gerammel

Skommel en klak

Onskeibaar geskommel

See swel en sak

Verstik sy die water?

Verstik die water haar?

Adriaan Havenga


drop in the ocean

as the taps run dry

we watch as our precious

jewels, raindrops

painstakingly collected

and coaxed

into the tank,

dribble into a bucket

until the last pearl

clinging to the rim of the tap

reluctant to launch,

like a bungee jumper

after countdown,

stretches and trembles

breaks through

the forces of cohesion

and splashes like a meteor

into the centre

of an ocean of pearls

Sue Woodward

Highly commended:


Die rooi duine lê ademloos

onder die hittenewels.

In die leegtes jag stofduiwels

sporadies die tolbosse voor hul uit.

Veraf die gebrom van die volstruis

wat stram stram proe aan die hofmaak se pas.

Ramkiesnare toets die pols,

helder voorskote flanker met die jonker, veer in die hoed.

Die voete trap, also, also,

windmaker al in die rondte, al wilder en wilder.

Die slag en die donder al nader en nader,

verswelg die klap klap van die askoek se trap.

Stof werwel onder die vlugtige voete uit

al draaiend, al swaaiend.

Die volstruis op sy knieё

dronk van die opwinding en die dans.

Die druppels slaan stof

en riel saam die oer ritme uit,

totdat uitgewoed en tevrede, die passie taan.

En voetspore dankbaar verdrink in die beloftes

van more se geel plate duwweltjies

en tsammas tussen males duineveld gras


Catharina Koen

High School Category:



Like a glass of water, I’m plain

Like a glass of water, I don’t stain

Like a glass of water, I have no taste

Like a glass of water, I have a reflected face

Like a glass of water, I quench your thirst

Like a dam, I am your source

Like a river, I deliver what you need

Like an ocean, I harbour life

Like a source of water, I will run out

An infinite source I am not

You will leave when I dry out

To find another

Kyle Marero



Blood river

pumping through my vein

watering and nurturing every cell

removing waste


Blue river

flowing across the terrain

watering and nurturing every cell

removing waste


Poisoned river

stagnating in great pain

contaminating and starving every cell

creating waste


Joshua Schiefner

Highly commended:


The sound of water

rushing and gushing through taps,

like the slurping and gurgling

of a baby at its mother’s breast,

is life-giving music to me.

The sound of water

wild, fresh and free

flowing through the river beds

rolling in the sea,

like the sound of 10 000

cheering at the World Cup,

excites and exhilarates me.

The sound of water

contaminated and contained

is vulgar and violent,

like a mad man restrained

like a thousand mobster trucks,

hell-bent on destroying me.

The sound of water

withered, wasted…gone,

because of all we done wrong

is a deathly, sinister silence

like an anaconda

waiting to strike

Jamie Davids

Highly commended:


Nobody sees the mundane tasks I’m doing

Nobody cares how crucial I am to their well being

Monday to Sunday no break for me

I wake up early…cold as ice

turning, rushing, gushing, swirling

to the call of taps turning

…to fill baths to wash my masters clean

…to pour into kettles for a cuppa

and splosh into porridge to sustain them till suppa.

Buckets and buckets I have to fill

to wash clothes, floors and the window sill

And through the garden hose

I spurt and spray

their thirsty green lawn and haughty red rose

My essence made dirty and grey

through pollution and abuse

I am sacrificed to the alter

of a corporate culture

that uses profit as justification for my misuse

Liyema Sigidi 

The finalists in  this year’s Poetry Competition.


BLOOD RIVER    by   Joshua Schiefner

LIKE A GLASS OF WATER  by  Kyle Marero


WATERWORKS  by  Liyema Sigidi


TODAY THE LAKE  by  Janine Milne

WATERREKENING  by  Mae Montgormery

Stillte  by  Catherina Koen

WEATHER AT HOME  by  Janine watermeyer

wat het met ingrid jonker gebeur  by Adriaan Havenga

The 14 year drought  by   Su Nightingale

The Sound of water  by  Sergio Henry Ben

opgedra aan francois du toit  by  Elske Maxwell

drop in the ocean  by  Sue Woodward

my three year old son  by   Dimikatso Sedite

ingrid AND THE SEA  by  Blony Adams

MY BED FEELS m+ARKEDLY EMPTY  by  Mpumelelo Msomi

SEA STORY  by  Trayn Laing Cox

I AM MEMORY  by  David Gear

The theme of Poetry in McGregor Festival 2018, to be held over the weekend of August 24-26, is The Sound of Water. Water is unquestionably Earth’s most precious resource. Without it there would be no life, yet we over-use and abuse it, inflicting great suffering upon our waterways, seas and oceans. Poetry in McGregor Festival 2018 is seeking to raise awareness and gratitude for this ‘earth-blood’ and to inscribe a new set of water-values upon the human heart. We want to be reminded of the wonder of water.

Die tema van 2018 Digkuns in McGregor, wat gedurende die naweek 24 – 26 Augustus gehou sal word, is Die Klank van Water. Sonder enige twyfel is water die Aarde se kosbaarste hulpbron. Sonder water sou daar nie lewe wees nie; nogtans gebruik ons meer as wat ons nodig het an ons misbruik dit ook. Sodoende is ons die oorsaak van enorme lyding ten opsigte van waterweë, die see en oseane. Die doel dus van Digkuns in McGregor is om mense bewus te maak van, en dankbaar te wees vir, hierdie “aardsbloed”. Ons beoog om in die siel van die mens, ʼn nuwe stel waterwaardes, in te skryf. Ons wil aan die wonder van water herinner word.

Poetry Competition – Adult Category

We have pleasure in inviting you to submit up to three poems written on the theme of Water. There will be a First Prize of R5000; a Second Prize of R1000 and, if applicable, a Highly Commended Prize of R500.

Competition Guidelines: Entries are restricted to unpublished poems from adults who have not had any poems published as yet (school magazines and journals excluded). The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it. Poems must have a title and have a “Water” theme. The poems should be between 12 and 40 lines in length. The poems may be in English or Afrikaans. Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers. A maximum of three poems per poet may be entered. Entries must be submitted separately. The poems will be judged by a competent panel of experienced judges and their decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into at any stage of the competition. Entries must be typed and emailed to: mcgpoets@gmail.com / posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor.

Closing date: 31 May 2018. Finalists will be notified by 20 June 2018 and invited to attend the prize-giving ceremony to be held during the Poetry in McGregor Festival in McGregor which will take place from the 24 to 26 August 2018. The winners’ prizes will be awarded even if they are not able to attend the prize-giving ceremony and the winning poems may be included in the 2018 Poetry in McGregor Festival anthology. See www.poetryinmcgregor.co.za for details of previous winning entries.

Ons nooi graag die wat wil deelneem uit, om tot en met drie gedigte in te dien. Hulle moet oor die Water -tema handel.

Eerste prys –or is R5 000; Tweede Prys –or isR1 000; en indien van toepassing, ʼnprys van R500 vir Eervolle Vermelding.

Kompetisiereëls: Inskrywings van volwassenes moet net ongepubliseerde gedigte wees (skooltydskrifte en joernale uitgesluit). Die gedigte moet die oorspronklike werk van die inskrywer wees. Die gedigte moet ʼn titel hê en oor ʼn Water-tema handel. Die gedigte behoort tussen 12 en 40 reëls te wees. Hulle kan òf in Engels òf in Afrikaans geskryf word.  Inskrywers moet hul volle naam, geboortedatum en kontaknommers verskaf. Die digter kan ʼn maksimum van drie gedigte indien. Inskrywings moet afsonderlik ingehandig word. Die gedigte sal deur ʼn bekwame keurkomitee beoordeel word, en hulle besluit is finaal. Tydens die kompetisie sal geen korrespondensie toelaatbaar wees nie. Inskrywings moet getik word en of deur epos aan: mcgpoets@gmail.com gestuur word; of aan Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708 gepos word; of aan 086 756 0864 gefaks word; of afgelewer by die Temenoskantoor, hoek van Voortrekker en Breestrate, McGregor.

Sluitingsdatum: 31 Mei 2018. Die finaliste sal teen 20 Junie 2018 in kennis gestel word, en hulle sal dan genooi word om die Prysuitdelingseremonie by te woon wat tydens die Digkunsfees in McGregor gehou sal word vanaf 24 – 26 Augustus 2018. Die wenners se pryse sal toegeken word al sou hulle nie die Prysuitdelingseremonie kan bywoon nie en die bekroonde gedigte sal in die 2018 Digfunsfees in McGregor Versameling ingesluit word. Vir verdere inligting omtrent bekroonde inskrywings: www.poetryinmcgregor.co.za

Poetry Competition – High School Category

We have pleasure in inviting you to submit up to two poems written on the theme of Water. There will be a First Prize of R2500; a Second Prize of R1000 and, if applicable, a Highly Commended Prize of R500.

Competition Guidelines: Entries will be accepted from students enrolled at High School in 2018. Entries are restricted to unpublished poems from students who have not had any poems published as yet (school magazines and journals excluded). The poem must be the original work of the entrant submitting it. Poems must have a title and have a “Water” theme. The poems should be between 12 and 40 lines in length. The poems may be in English or Afrikaans. Full names must be provided plus date of birth and contact numbers. A maximum of two poems per student may be entered. Entries must be submitted separately. The poems will be judged by a competent panel of experienced judges and their decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into at any stage of the competition. Entries must be typed and emailed to: mcgpoets@gmail.com / posted to PO Box 361, McGregor, 6708 / faxed to 086 756 0864 / delivered to the Temenos Office, corner Voortrekker and Bree Streets, McGregor.

Closing date: 31 May 2018. Finalists will be notified by 20 June 2018 and invited to attend the prize-giving ceremony to be held during the Poetry in McGregor Festival in McGregor which takes place from the 24 to 26 August 2018. The winners’ prizes will be awarded even if they are not able to attend the prize-giving ceremony and the winning poems may be included in the 2018 Poetry in McGregor Festival anthology. See www.poetryinmcgregor.co.za for details of previous winning entries.

Digkunskompetisie – Hoërskool kategorie

Ons nooi graag die wat wil deelneem uit, om tot en met twee gedigte in te dien. Hulle moet oor die Water -tema handel. Eerste prys- R2 500; Tweede Prys – R1 000; en indien van toepassing, ʼn prys van R500 vir Eervolle Vermelding.

Kompetisiereëls: Inskrywings sal net van studente wat nou (2018) in hoërskool gerigistreer is, aanvaar word. Inskrywings van studente  moet net ongepubliseerde gedigte wees (skooltydskrifte en joernale uitgesluit). Die gedigte wat ingedien word, moet die oorspronklike werk van die student wees. Die gedigte moet ʼn titel hê asook ʼn Water-tema. Die gedigte behoort tussen 12 en 40 reëls wees. Hulle kan òf in Engels òf Afrikaans geskryf word.  ʼn Maksimum van twee gedigte per student  mag ingeskryf word.  Inskrywings moet afsonderlik ingedien word. Die gedigte sal deur ʼn bekwame keurkomitee beoordeel word, en hulle besluit is finaal. Tydens die kompetisie sal geen korrespondensie toelaatbaar wees nie. Inskrywings moet getik word en of deur epos aan: mcgpoets@gmail.com gestuur word; of aan Posbus 361, McGregor, 6708 gepos word; of aan 086 756 0864 gefaks word; of afgelewer by die Temenoskantoor, hoek van Voortrekker en Breestrate, McGregor.

Sluitingsdatum: 31 Mei 2018. Die finaliste sal teen 20 Junie 2018 in kennis gestel word, en hulle sal dan genooi word om die Prysuitdelingseremonie by te woon wat tydens die Digkunsfees in McGregor gehou sal word vanaf 24 – 26 Augustus 2018.  Die wenners se pryse sal toegeken word al sou hulle nie die Prysuitdelingseremonie kan bywoon nie en die bekroonde gedigte sal in die 2018 Digfunsfees in McGregor Versameling ingesluit word. Vir verdure inligting omtrent bekroonde inskrywings: www.poetryinmcgregor.co.za

In Gratitude From Poetry In McGregor